
Foreign Cooperation and Exchange Office


Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office


发布时间:2020-02-04 责任编辑:陈慧玲 访问次数:233


A Letter to Foreign Experts and International Students of SMU




Dear Foreign Experts and International students,



Happy Chinese New Year and all the best for you and your family from Sanming University.



Recently, the epidemic caused by the novel coronavirus has become a national concern. After the outbreak, the Chinese government attached great importance to it. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made important instructions to put the people's life safety and health in the first place, and took effective measures to resolutely curb the spread of the epidemic. The CPC Fujian Provincial Committee and Fujian Provincial People’s Government have made important work arrangements. The Party Committee of Sanming University responded immediately by establishing a special leading group and implementing specific work plan for the prevention and control of the epidemic caused by the novel coronavirus to ensure the safety of teachers and students, including foreign experts and international students. Up till today, there is no 2019-nCoV patient within our university. Please be assured that our campus is very safe.


During the outbreak, SMU has formulated the contingency plan for the prevention and control of the epidemic caused by the novel coronavirus  among foreign experts and international students, and arranged specific working teams to carry out a series of prevention and control measures including cleaning and sterilizing the apartment for foreign experts and international students to ensure the sanitary environment, tracking physical health status and itinerary every day, providing scientific protection guidance, updating the latest epidemic situation timely and objectively, answering various questions in the shortest time and offering psychological counseling to avoid panic and relieve stress, providing necessities such as thermometers and sanitizers as well as support services in daily life and catering, to ensure the health and safety of all the foreign experts and international students during the outbreak. Also, we have recommended online learning resources for international students in China to ensure a fruitful, safe and happy winter vacation.



Faced with the epidemic caused by the novel coronavirus, SMU hereby calls on every one to do as follows:


Please pay close attention to related notices, information and regulations issued by SMU.



To guarantee the health and safety of all students and staff members, SMU will strengthen management of the campus and timely sterilize public venues including student dormitories. Main gates of school have been closed and outsiders should register and take temperature before entering. Foreign experts and international students staying in school are not allowed to receive or accommodate any outsiders.



Foreign experts and international students who plan to leave SMU and go back to their country or to other cities of China should follow required leave-asking procedures before leaving.



Those who already left SMU should not return to school before the new semester officially begins. The school open date of new semester will be notified according to the epidemic control situation and school notice.



Please keep an eye on your own health and that of your family. Those in China please report to school about your location and physical condition timely. In case of fever, cough and other symptoms, please report to school as soon as possible for effective measures. If students around you have the above symptoms, please do inform school immediately so that we can take isolation measures timely and properly to ensure the safety as a whole.



During the outbreak, please reduce the time of going out. Do not participate in parties and other group activities, do not go to public areas, and keep away from wild animals. If you have to go out, please wear masks. Please keep healthy living habits, always wash hands, disinfect and keep your room ventilated. Please eat healthy food and take reasonable physical exercises.





Please have an objective understanding of the coronavirus and have full confidence in the Chinese government's epidemic prevention measures, and obey the arrangements of the school and teachers. Focus on official and authoritative information instead of spreading rumors. Keep mental health and maintain emotional stability of yourself, your family, relatives and friends. If necessary, you can turn to counselors for psychological counseling.

Consultation method 1: The psychological assistance hotline of Sanming University: Mr. Lei 18005985523, Ms. Chen 18065981802, Ms. Guo 17350536323, on duty: 8:00-22:00.

Consultation method 2: apply for joining QQ group 253442828 (online counseling through QQ voice or text counseling).



SMU will closely follow the situation and notification from upper level departments and will keep in touch with foreign experts and international students to timely publicize related information. Please always pay attention to our information.



Working together to fight against coronavirus is related to everyone’s benefit and is also our task and responsibility as SMUers. Please believe that SMU is always caring about the health and safety of all students and staff members, and please believe that with our joint efforts, the battle against the virus will succeed and the normal study life will recover soon!



Emergency contact methods:



Office of International Affairs

老师/Doris Laoshi18065852605

李老师/Tiffany Laoshi:13806960731


School of Overseas Education (School of Foreign Languages)

老师/Marie Laoshi15695982827    

校保卫处值班室/Security office of SMU8399195

校医院值班室/Hospital of SMU18065981358 (Doctor Lin)


